Mandi's credentials and certifications
The ATT tests how a dog reacts to a variety of stimuli. Desirable traits are that the dog will be emotionally stable, inquisitive, cooperative, appropriately social for its breed, biddable and demonstrates the ability to recover from a startling situation in a reasonable amount of time.
AKC Farm Dog Evaluator
AKC Farm Dog involves your dog performing a series of 12 exercises that are typical for a farm environment such as being in close proximity to livestock (who are always penned to avoid any altercations); jumping and staying on hay/straw bales; walking on unusual terrain; and jumping over logs.
Karen Pryor Academy
Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior teaches effective force-free training in all of their courses. Karen Pryor Academy is a leader and gold standard in the field of animal training and in the science and application of marker-based positive reinforcement, or what is popularly called “clicker training".
I'm a graduate of the Dog Trainer Foundations course.